Course Staff

Below are the staff for this course. If you have any doubts on who to contact for anything, first use the #009-ask-staff-anything Slack channel, then email, which includes Professor Wallace & the TAs.

Course Instructor

David Wallace

office: Rm 3-458

Administrative Assistants

Renata Caines

email: renatac or 2009admin
office: Rm 3-458

Chevalley Duhart

For financial reimbursement and ProCard matters only
email: cduhart or 2009admin
office: Off Campus

Teaching Assistants

Adam Zimmermann

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Danielle Allison

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Jolie Bercow

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Katana Finlason

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Michael Lu

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Paul Portmann

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Sam Ihns

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Shayna Ahteck

email: 2009ta
office: Rm 3-458

Team Instructors

Daniela Faas

office: Off Campus

Danny Braunstein

office: Pappalardo Lab

John Brisson

office: Rm 3-256/8

Juhan Sonin

office: Off Campus

Kamala Grasso

office: Off Campus

Micki Dupnik

office: Off Campus

Mitch Guillaume

office: Off Campus

Nate Phipps

office: PDL (3-003)

Rich Wiesman

office: Rm 3-469

Rob Podoloff

office: Off Campus

Rob Mercurio

office: Off Campus

Warren Seering

office: Rm 3-433

Communications Instructors

Juergen Schoenstein

email: juergen or 2009cr
office: E18-240A

Amy Carleton

email: amymarie or 2009cr
office: E18-228Q

Atissa Banuazizi

email: atissa or 2009cr
office: E18-240A

Dave Custer

email: custer or 2009cr
office: Rm 24-611

Rachel Molko

email: molko or 2009cr
office: E18

Rebecca Thorndike-Breeze

email: rtb or 2009cr
office: E18-228Q

Pappalardo Lab Staff

Danny Braunstein

office: Pappalardo Lab

Andy MacInnis

office: Pappalardo Lab

Bill Cormier

office: Pappalardo Lab

Steve Haberek

office: Pappalardo Lab

Scott Spence

office: Pappalardo Lab

Steve Banzaert

office: Pappalardo Lab

Pdl Staff

Nate Phipps

office: PDL (3-004 & 5-007)

Alex Charis

email: acharis or 2009pdl
office: PDL (3-004 & 5-007)

Nick Anastasia

email: nick_a or 2009pdl
office: PDL (3-004 & 5-007)

James Penn

3D Printing Management
email: pennjam or 2009pdl
office: PDL (3-003)

Course Librarian

Claire Berman

office: 14S

Nicholas Albaugh

office: E53-168B

Media Coordinator

Danny Goldfield

email: dannygo or 2009media

Store Manager

Jessica Shi

email: 2009store
office: Pappalardo Lab

Meta Yoda

Charlotte Folinus

Chuck Xia

Night Crew

Aditya Ghodgaonkar

April Anlage

Chuck Xia

David Meeker

John Robinson

Lauren Futami

Stella Pappa

Tech Support

Victor Hung